
第1条 (登録)

3.利用者は、メールアドレスが第三者によって不正に使用されていることが判明した場合には、直ちに弊社 に連絡するものとします。

第2条 (変更)

1. お客様は、氏名、住所など当社に届け出た事項に変更があった場合には、速やかに当社に連絡するものとします。
2. 変更登録がなされなかったことにより生じた損害について、当社は一切責任を負いません。また、変更登録がなされた場合でも、変更登録前にすでに手続がなされた取引は、変更登録前の情報に基づいて行われますのでご注意ください。

第3条 (賠償義務)

1. お客様が、通信販売による代金支払債務を怠ったとき、その他当社が不適当と認める事由があるときは、当社は、購入資格を取り消すことができることとします。
2. お客様が、以下の各号に定める行為をしたときは、これにより当社が被った損害を賠償する責任を負います。

第4条 (顧客情報の取扱い)

1. 当社は、原則としてお客様の情報を事前の同意なく第三者に対して開示することはありません。ただし、次の各号の場合には、お客様の事前の同意なく、当社はお客様情報を開示できるものとします。
2. お客様情報につきましては、当社の「個人情報保護への取組み」に従い、当社が管理します。当社は、お客様情報を、サービス提供、サービス内容の向上、サービスの利用促進、およびサービスの健全かつ円滑な運営の確保を図る目的のために、当社おいて利用することができるものとします。
3. 当社は、お客様に対して、メールマガジンその他の方法による情報提供(広告を含みます)を行うことができるものとします。お客様が情報提供を希望しない場合は、当社所定の方法に従い、その旨を通知して頂ければ、情報提供を停止します。ただし、本サービス運営に必要な情報提供につきましては、お客様の希望により停止をすることはできません。

第5条 (禁止事項)


1. 法令または本規約、本サービスご利用上のご注意、本サービスでのお買い物上のご注意その他の本規約等に違反すること
2. 当社、およびその他の第三者の権利、利益、名誉等を損ねること
3. 青少年の心身に悪影響を及ぼす恐れがある行為、その他公序良俗に反する行為を行うこと
4. 他の利用者その他の第三者に迷惑となる行為や不快感を抱かせる行為を行うこと
5. 虚偽の情報を入力すること
6. 有害なコンピュータープログラム、メール等を送信または書き込むこと
7. 当社のサーバーその他のコンピューターに不正にアクセスすること
8. その他当社が不適切と判断すること

第8条 (サービスの中断・停止等)

1. 当社は、本サービスの稼動状態を良好に保つために、次の各号の一に該当する場合、予告なしに、本サービスの提供全てあるいは一部を停止することがあります。

第6条 (サービスの変更・廃止)


第7条 (免責)

1. 通信回線やコンピューターなどの障害によるシステムの中断・遅滞・中止・データの消失、データへの不正アクセスにより生じた損害、その他当社のサービスに関して会員に生じた損害について、当社は一切責任を負わないものとします。
2. 当社は、当社のウェブページ・サーバー・ドメインなどから送られるメール・コンテンツに、コンピューター・ウィルスなどの有害なものが含まれていないことを保証いたしません。
3. お客様が本規約等に違反したことによって生じた損害については、当社は一切責任を負いません。

第8条 (本規約の改定)


第12条 (準拠法、管轄裁判所)



These terms and conditions will be followed during and after all the registration procedures.

Article 1 (About Registration)
1. You may be responsible for managing your own e-mail address. The company will be exempted from liability for identity verification by confirming the identity of the individual by matching the e-mail address.
2. Service users shall not transfer, lend, or disclose their e-mail addresses to third parties, and may be responsible for any damages resulting from insufficient management of their e-mail addresses, errors in use or use by third parties, and we shall not be liable for any such damages.
3. Users may immediately notify us if they discover that their e-mail address has been illegally used by a third party.

Article 2 (About Changes and Modifications)
1. You may promptly notify our company of any change in your name, address, or other information you have provided to the Company.
2. We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by failure to register a change. Please note that even if a change is registered, transactions that have already been processed before the change is registered will still be based on the information provided before the change was registered.

Article 3 (About Compensations and Obligations)
1. if you fail to pay your mail order bill or for any other reason deemed inappropriate by our company, we may revoke your qualification for purchase.
2. If the customer commits any of the following acts, the customer may be liable to compensate for any damage incurred by the company as a result of it.
(1) In case of interfering with our business by accessing our website, falsifying information, sending harmful computer programs to our website, etc.
(2) In case of infringing the intellectual property rights of the products handled by our company
(3) In case of engaging in any other conduct that violates our Terms of Use.

Article 4 (About the Handling of Customer’s Information)
1. Our company will not disclose customer information to third parties without prior consent. However, we may disclose customer information without the prior consent of the customer in the following cases:
(1) When disclosure is required by law
(2) When we consider it necessary to protect our rights, interests, reputation, etc.
2. Customer information will be managed by our company in accordance with the company's "Approach to Personal Information Protection". We may use customer information for the purpose of providing services, improving service content, promoting the use of services, and ensuring the sound and smooth operation of services.
3. Our Company may provide information (including advertisement) to customers through e-mail newsletters and other methods. If a customer does not wish to receive such information, we will stop providing it if the customer notifies us so in accordance with the prescribed method. However, the provision of information necessary for the operation of this service cannot be suspended at the request of the customer.

Article 5 (About Prohibited Items)
When using our service, customers are prohibited from engaging in any of the following acts:
1. Violating the law, these Terms of Use, the Precautions for Using the Service, the Precautions for Shopping on the Service, or any other Terms of Use
2. Damaging the rights, interests, or reputation of our company or any third party
3. Engaging in any conduct that may adversely affect the physical or mental health of the youth or any other conduct that offends public order and morals
4. Engaging in any conduct that is disruptive or offensive to other users or other third parties
5. Entering false information
6. Sending or writing harmful computer programs, e-mails, etc.
7. Accessing our servers or other computers without authorization
8. Other things that our company may consider inappropriate

Article 8 (About the Suspension or Discontinuation of Service, etc.)
1. In order to keep the service in good working condition, the company may suspend all or part of it without notice in any of the following cases:
(1) When necessary for routine or emergency maintenance of the system
(2) If the system gets congested
(3) When the system operation becomes difficult due to fire, power failure, sabotage by a third party, etc.
(4) Other cases in which the company considers it necessary to suspend the system

Article 6 (About the Change or Discontinuation of the Service)
The Company may, at its discretion, change or discontinue the service, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice.

Article 7 (About Exemption from Responsibility)
1. The Company will not be liable for any damages due to system interruption, delay, discontinuation, loss of data, or unauthorized access to data caused by communication line or computer failure, or any other damages in connection with the company's services.
2. We do not guarantee that the e-mails sent from our web pages, servers, domains, etc. will be free of computer viruses or other harmful content.
3. We will not be liable for any damages caused by your violation of these Terms of Use, etc.

Article 8 (About the Revision of this Agreement)
The company may revise these Terms and Conditions at its discretion, and may also establish supplemental terms and conditions to the actual ones (hereinafter referred to as "Supplemental Terms and Conditions"). Revisions or supplements to the Terms shall become effective when the revised Terms or Supplemental Terms are posted on the website designated by the company. In such case, you shall be subject to the revised or supplemental Terms and Conditions.

Article 12 (About the Governing Law and Court of Jurisdiction)
In the event of any dispute arising in connection with these Terms and Conditions, the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the company's head office shall be the court of exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance.